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Sunny Kim

Layering Skin Restoration

Layer 1: Want CLARITY?

BBL, Moxi laser, and microneedling all offer improvements in QUALITY OF SKIN: evening out color irregularities such as hyperpigmentation, photodamage, redness and spider veins from rosacea, and dull or rough skin texture.

Makeup is a wonderful way to "accessorize" the complexion, but most of us like the freedom of a simpler daily routine. The confidence of having bright and even-tone complexion with "just sunscreen on" is the holy grail of skin rejuvenation goals.

Did you know that BBL rejuvenation is scientifically proven to change the gene expression of your skin cells? They revert back to behave like PRE-damaged cells, a virtual reverse-ageing of your skin. So not only do these treatments make the skin APPEAR more even and clear, the tissue functions as though it is a younger/pre-damaged cell. This might explain why we see less pathology and disease in skin that continues to maintain a regimen of BBLs at least once or twice a year ( J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Feb; 133(2): 394–402. Rejuvenation of Gene Expression Pattern of Aged Human Sin by Broadband Light Treatment)


When you have 3 BBL treatments, your 4th session is free?

No pre-paid packages, just a big THANK YOU from us, and a reward for investing in your skin health!

Layer 2: Want to SMOOTH or TIGHTEN or FIRM?

Next we have texture irregularities that occur from changes and deficits in the DERMAL LAYER: collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and other components of the dermal matrix. Wrinkles, acne scarring, appearance of enlarged pores, and folds or creases can be addressed by strategies to either replenish your own collagen matrix, stimulate tightening of elastin fibers, or give you instant smoothing effect from carefully placed filler.

Too often these days, we see examples of overly injected faces, and filler is used for indications where a laser or energy-based device would be more appropriate. A combination of therapies is often how we achieve the best results, but knowing WHEN and WHERE and HOW MUCH to apply each treatment is key to your optimal results. You simply cannot achieve everything with a single tool.

When we feel your skin goals are best served by stimulating your OWN collagen for resurfacing or you are a more suitable candidate for a laser or energy based therapy, we explain WHY that is. Some wrinkles are just not well suited to filler injection, and certain parts of the facial anatomy are just better suited to TIGHTEN (with Morpheus or Sofwave) rather than inject with a hyaluronic acid or biostimulatory filler such as Radiesse. Some patients are candidates for either or both, so then it becomes a matter of schedule, timing, or personal preference.

Our approach is always, what is in YOUR best interest, and LESS is MORE.


Layer3: Want to CONTOUR or SOFTEN or LIFT?

Loss of fat pads and generalized fat resorption in the face occurs with time, weight loss and genetics. The midface fat pads are especially a marker of wellness as this supports the ligaments of the midface. While I believe that filler is not the right tool to LIFT all over the face, anchoring it in very specific anatomy (which is so so unique for each patient) CAN lift the entire cheek envelope in some cases. These ligaments retain the essential contour and shape of our face the way we remember, and subtle tweaks in restoring their position is EVERYTHING when it comes to angles and highlight points of the cheek, undereye and how the entire cheek surface is draped on the face. I called it our "L-Lift"

This is something that I have LOVED perfecting for patients who want the subtlest work possible but want to look refreshed, less drawn or tired. Firstly, more and more people have become "afraid to do filler", there are just too many visuals in the past several years in-person and online of "bad work." It's unfortunate that the fear of looking like those examples is deterring us from a very nice treatment, but I have to admit, even I want less. I know that for my patients who have had a relationship with me for 5, 10, 12+ years being "over-done" is never a concern. It's just a general trend in attitude that we are seeing, an expression of "I never want to look like one of them". Secondly, this technique requires minimal filler doses.

That's the beauty of the L-Lift, even very small touches of filler can achieve a beautiful and subtle softening of the hollow or sunken angles in the midface.

There has never been so much reward and satisfaction for so little filler amount. That's a great value treatment, in our books! Read more about our Feb-March injectable promo below...


SKin Phi promotions offered for Feb-March celebrate YOU and how we can combine and tailor your therapies for your unique skin goals.

It's that time of year again... Juvederm and Botox free gift!

Eligible injectable patients who receive 3 syringes of any combination of filler get $260 of free Botox!

Sofwave gift with treatment and referral promo!

Sofwave is the no down-time way to tighten and lift loose skin with the latest ultrasound technology. Receive a free BelaMD medical facial when you sign up for Sofwave in Feb or March.

For patients who have had the Sofwave treatment and feel they see results already, you can refer a friend for Sofwave consultation and treatment, and you will receive a BelaMD!

($235 value)

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