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Love your skin, why we say "I DO" to MOXI

Sunny Kim

February is the month of love, and what better time to review the ways in which we can protect, revive, and love our skin!

Since introducing the MOXI laser to Ottawa last year, more and more of our patients are wowed by the results, and we can't help but share the good news. MOXI is arguably the most effective way to even out skintone from sun damage pigment, sallowness (lack of brightness), and melasma. Even a single treatment session produces notable clarity, which is remarkable for how much it can clear out years of accumulated sun damage or persistent pigment like melasma. The SKin Phi reputation is built on offering you solutions that are "worth it", so the VALUE has to be obvious...the soft and hard costs of self-care have to be ultimately REWARDING to you, no regrets. Well, Moxi is one of those things that our patients say is "worth it"; worth doing it even just once, worth repeating when needed, and worth sharing with friends and family who start commenting about your complexion. We literally celebrate the follow-up visits when we get to see you come back for the big "reveal," and marvel at the before/after photos! Your satisfaction, confidence and happiness is OUR reward.

One of the surprising side benefits of MOXI laser has been the improvement of fine texture: enlarged pores and fine lines tend to appear "air-brushed", sort of like when you use a makeup primer. We call this the "Moxi-filter" effect! Spider veins and redness can be spot-treated with BBL (intense pulsed light energy); you receive this courtesy treatment during the same session, so you can see improvement in your rosacea as well. What is the downtime like after Moxi treatment? Redness is typically gone within 24 hours, with minimal to no swelling the next day. The fine sand-papery bits "bronze up" for a few days before sloughing off, so you will appear "tanned" underneath your tinted sunscreen or foundation until you have the magical sloughing day in the shower. For most people this happens around day 5-7. We counsel our patients with some tips in pre and post skincare to help speed up recovery and enhance results.

We talk a lot about simple modifications in skincare, like matching you with the most suitable prescription or non-prescription retinoid cream for your skin type. And it doesn't end there, we counsel you through how to use it, how to switch things up and adapt to changing seasons and phases of your skin cycle. Little things with big impact. Not everyone is a candidate for the Moxi laser, but we can help you make a plan based on your concerns and priorities.

The timing of laser and injection procedures is also something that is discussed at length, there should never be any pressure to do something "now", wellness is in the balance of doing the right thing in the right timing. While the very nature of medical procedures comes with some degree of risk, we help our patients plan the timing of treatments so they can enjoy the optimal results and not feel remorse from rushing into a decision. I like that sometimes patients will take months (or a year) to decide on a procedure they feel apprehensive about. This should be a thoughtful investment in yourself, not an impulse buy. Sometimes there is a medical reason why we might suggest you aren't a good candidate for a certain procedure, or why it would be safe to defer treatment till later.

At SKin Phi we are committed to sharing the love... when you come for a Moxi treament on the face, we will include your NECK and CHEST for the same flat rate.

$725 for the full face, neck and chest.

This lovely patient is thrilled with the improvement from her first Moxi treatment. Our goal is always "the best results in as few sessions as possible", so this kind of result is a bonus!

Call us to see if Moxi is right for you.


to book your appointment

Our winter promos on filler and skin tightening continue to be extended into the month of February!

  • Free DP4 Microneedle treatment session, with 3 syringes of any filler promo.

  • Save $150 on Winter-skin-rescue DP4 Microneedle session for dry, chapped and dull skin

  • 2for1 SOFWAVE ultrasound skin tightening, or combine Sofwave with Morpheus8 for jowl/jawline/saggy chin solutions

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